What is an Outie Vagina ? Different types of Outie Vagina (labia majora)

Closed Outie vagina shape (prominent outer lips or outie Vagina)

The opposite of the tulip shape, this vulva shape has labia majora (outer lips or outie vagina) that are more prominent and cover the entire inside of the vulva.

In this type, the outer lips are slightly hanging down and look swollen. This makes your vagina have thicker or thinner skin on one part of the lips.

Although the thickness of the skin tends to be unequal, you don’t need to worry, this shape is normal.

Long dangling outer lips (labia majora)

Long dangling outer lips or the hanging shape is similar to the closed shape (prominent outer lips). The difference is, the labia majora (outer lips or outie vagina ) hang down further and there is an opening at the top.

The presence of this opening allows the inner folds of the vulva to be visible. These folds can be seen past the limit of your underwear when you sit down.

Innie vs Outie Vagina

Did you know? The shape of the vagina in women is different. It can even be said that the characteristics and appearance of each person’s vagina are quite unique. Want to know more? Come on, check out the various types of vaginas along with other interesting facts about this reproductive organ!

Getting to know the various shapes of the vagina

There are several types of labia that are quite common. However, there may also be other types that cannot be included in a particular category.

Asymmetrical vagina shape (asymmetrical inner lips or innie vagina)

The first type of vagina is the asymmetrical shape or asymmetrical inner lips. It is called asymmetrical because the size between the inner and outer vulva lips is not the same.

In this type, the labia minora (inner lips or innie vagina ) are longer, thicker, and larger than the others.

If you have an asymmetrical vulva shape like this, it might make you worry about certain diseases. In fact, this shape is actually normal.

Small open lips (Innie Vagina)

In this shape, the vulva will look smaller than the other types. This is because the labia majora are flat and attached to the pubic bone.

Tulip vagina shape (prominent innie vagina)

In this shape, only a small gap can show the inside of the vulva or labia minora.

This vulva shape is characterized by labia minora that are longer and more prominent than the labia majora. So that it looks like it will bloom like a tulip.

However, the difference in length may not be that striking because the inner lips of the vagina may only protrude slightly.

visible innie vagina shape

This vulva shape is indicated by the size of the labia majora and minora being the same. Therefore, the inner lips are not visible because they are fused with the outer lips.

Due to the second fold

the fused labia layers, the vulva vagina is open and the inside can be seen clearly.

The shape of the vagina resembles a curtain (long dangling innie vagina)

It is called a curtain shape because one side of the labia minora (innie lips) protrudes past the labia majora, so it looks like a curtain. The length of the hanging can reach 2.5 cm or more.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for the labia minora to look prominent when you wear underwear because of the additional folds on the lips of your vulva.

At first glance, this shape is similar to prominent inner lips (tulip type). The difference is, in this type of curtain, only one side of the inner lips protrudes out.

Don’t worry if you have this type. Because, this vagina shape is quite common in women.

Horseshoe vagina shape (curved outer lips or outie vagina)

The next vulva shape is the horseshoe type or curved outer lips(outie vagina) , namely the curved outer lips of the vulva.

It is called a horseshoe because in this type, the outer lips (outie vagina) appear curved and close downwards so that they resemble horseshoes.

In addition to its curved shape, in this type, the vaginal opening is wider so that the inside of the vaginal lips can be seen clearly.

Flat vagina shape (small closed lips)

small closed vagina shape

In this shape, your labia majora cannot be separated and appear tight. Therefore, the inner lips of the vulva are completely closed and invisible.

Usually, this shape is the most common among the other shapes so it is often considered a normal vagina shape.

In fact, there are various types of normal vulvas other than this type. So, you don’t need to worry if your vagina is not this type.

If you are a woman, how regularly do you have a women’s health check?

  • Every month
  • Every 6 months
  • Every year
  • No routine schedule

Let Know About Labia and their Appearance

The vagina, or more precisely the vulva, and all its components have various shapes, sizes, and colors. Even each woman’s genitals also have a different smell.

In fact, the vulva lips can vary in size and about half of women have labia minora that are longer than the labia majora, such as the curtain type or the tulip type.

Based on a study, the shape of the labia does vary greatly, whether the inner lips are longer than the outer lips or vice versa.

The shape of this female reproductive organ is also sometimes different between the left and right sides. In fact, it is very rare to find a naturally symmetrical labia shape.

As long as you don’t feel pain or find certain lumps in your vagina and various other strange symptoms, there is nothing to worry about.

Average size of labia (vaginal lips) Labia

There are many women who are worried about size of labia. But actually, there is nothing to worry about. This is because the size of the labia varies from one woman to another.

Therefore, you should not judge the size of your labia by comparing it to someone else.

Two studies explained the average size of the labia as follows.

  • The length of the left or right labia majora is about 12 cm with a depth of about 10 cm.
  • The left labia minora is up to 10 cm long and up to 6.4 cm wide.
  • The right labia minora is about 10 cm long and up to 7 cm wide.

However, regardless of its average size, if the labia minora (innie vagina) or majora (outie vagina) are very sensitive and sore, you need to be alert. It could be that you are experiencing symptoms of labial hypertrophy or enlargement of the labia.

This condition usually makes the process of cleaning the genitals after urinating painful. As a result, this part of the body will become infected because it is not cleaned properly.

Factors that cause the vagina to change shape

Size , shape and color could be change within the time. Here are various factors that influence these changes.

  • Sexual arousal that causes the vagina to expand, lengthen, and widen.
  • Hormonal changes during menstruation, pregnancy and postpartum.
  • The influence of muscle movement due to childbirth.
  • Loosening of the skin due to age.

Most women experience changes in the shape of the vagina after giving birth and at menopause. Therefore, it is recommended to do Kegel exercises to help tighten the muscles in the vagina. Visit Us for more info. Learn More