Tartar is a buildup of plaque that forms a hardened layer of dirt on the teeth. Unlike regular plaque or calculus Bridge , this condition is more difficult to remove with a regular toothbrush.

Therefore, cleaning this problem can only be done by a dentist.

Although it does not cause symptoms or interfere with tooth function or calculus , you still need to be aware of this condition. If you don’t clean it, it can cause problems with your teeth and gums, such as gingivitis or gum inflammation.

Causes of Calculus Bridge .

The cause of calculus is plaque that you don’t clean, until it finally builds up and hardens on your teeth.

Plaque (calculus Bridge) is a clear layer on the surface of the teeth and is sticky. This can form due to food residue on the teeth mixing with bacteria.

Because plaque or calculus on the teeth cannot go away on its own, you need to brush your teeth every day.

If you don’t clean your teeth properly, plaque will harden and become tartar on your teeth.

Based on its location, there are two types of conditions, namely:

Supragingival, which is located above the gums or on the surface that is visible in the oral cavity. Usually the color is lighter, yellowish white or has a chalky consistency.

Subgingival, which is located under the gums or gum pockets or on the surface of the tooth root. Usually the color is darker, dense and hard.

You can also read This is the Reason Tartar Must Be Removed to find out the importance of cleaning dirt on the teeth.

Calculus (Tarter) Risk Factors

There are several risk factors that can trigger the emergence of this health problem, such as:

  • Poor dental hygiene.
  • Advanced age.
  • Unhealthy diet.
  • Consuming too many foods containing carbohydrates.
  • Having a smoking habit.
  • Never visiting a dentist.
  • Taking medications that can affect dental health, such as antihistamines or decongestants.
  • Having a dry mouth condition. Usually occurs due to side effects of drugs, or certain health conditions
  • Undergoing radiation therapy for cancer treatment in the head or neck area.

Symptoms of Calculus Bridge (Tartar)

Generally, this dental problem looks like a soft deposit that is tightly attached to the surface of the teeth.

The areas where tartar (Calculus Bridge) most often occurs are the lower front teeth and the upper and lower left and right molars.

This is because the area is close to the salivary glands. Tartar that you don’t clean can cause several symptoms.

Calculus Bridge
Calculus Bridge

Some symptoms of (tartar) Calculus Bridge include:

  • Bleeding gums.
  • Bad breath due to decaying food debris.
  • Irritation and inflammation that cause systemic diseases.
  • Roughness on the surface of the teeth.
  • Bad breath.
  • Swelling and redness of the gums due to inflammation of the gums.

Dentist Recommendations

In fact, you should not take tartar lightly because it can cause bigger problems later on.

In addition, if tartar causes problems with your teeth, you can contact a dentist.

Dental Tartar Diagnosis

This dental condition can be diagnosed by conducting a dental examination. Usually, this condition causes teeth to be yellow or brownish.

During the examination, the dentist will easily find a buildup of hardened plaque on the teeth that needs cleaning.

If necessary, the doctor can perform a dental x-ray procedure, to see the condition of the teeth and gums.

In addition to checking the condition, this is also useful for detecting damage that may occur due to the buildup of plaque.

Dental Tartar Treatment , Calculus Bridge

Plaque on teeth that has hardened and become tartar cannot be removed by brushing your teeth alone. To overcome this condition, the doctor will recommend that the patient undergo dental scaling.

Dental scaling is a non-surgical medical procedure (without incisions) that uses a scaler, a special tool to scrape tartar on teeth. Scalers are available in manual and ultrasonic types.

Each type of scaler has the same function. However, ultrasonic scalers are used more often than manual scalers. This is because ultrasonic scalers make the scraping process faster and reduce the risk of pain.

Before undergoing dental scaling, tell your doctor if you are taking blood-thinning medications, such as heparin or warfarin. The doctor can also give a local anesthetic to reduce the pain that may arise from this procedure. Also inform your doctor if you have an allergic reaction to the anesthetic.

Overcoming or treating dental tartar or calculus is not enough just by brushing your teeth. To clean it, you need to undergo a procedure called dental scaling.

This is a non-surgical procedure that is performed using a scaler, which is a special tool for scraping it. This tool is available in manual and ultrasonic types.

To find out more about the dental scaling procedure, you can read Dental Scaling, How is the Procedure and Its Benefits?

Each type of scaler has the same function. However, ultrasonic scalers are more commonly used because they can facilitate the scraping process.

In addition, this type of scaler is also faster and reduces the risk of pain.

Before undergoing the scaling procedure, the doctor will usually give a local anesthetic. The goal is to reduce the pain that may arise from this procedure.

Tartar Complications

Tartar or Calculus Bridge that is not treated properly can trigger various complications, such as:

  • Halitosis or bad breath.
  • Gingivitis or Gum inflammation.
  • Cavities.
  • Tooth discoloration.
  • Damage to tooth enamel.
  • Periodontitis.
  • Tartar Prevention
  • There are several habits that you can do to prevent it, namely:
  • Brush your teeth twice with toothpaste containing fluoride.
  • In addition to brushing your teeth, it is also important to use dental floss to clean between teeth that cannot be reached by a toothbrush.
  • Use mouthwash as an oral antiseptic if necessary.
  • Limit consumption of foods and drinks that contain carbohydrates and added sugar.
  • Visit your dentist regularly every six months.
  • Eat healthy foods by increasing your intake of vegetables and fruits for gum health.
  • Stop smoking.

When to See a Doctor?

Visit your dentist immediately if the problem you are experiencing causes symptoms such as swollen, bleeding, or painful gums.

The sooner tartar (calculus) is cleaned, the risk of experiencing oral and dental problems can be avoided.

You can learn more about Dentsl Health here.